A friend of mine asked me the other day what the DOM is. Everytime we read about JavaScript there will be some mention of the DOM. This sounds
GDPR Compliance
(This article is translated into German further down - Diesen Artikel findest Du weiter unten auf Deutsch) I am not using a really complex website
Upload CSV with CodeIgniter
This can be done quite easily but I would like to give an example here using Bootstrap for the layout and jQuery to trigger events and send the data
ease-in and ease-out
Using the CSS property transition and assigning it some ease-in and ease-out seems quite fun at the beginning, but did you know how much more you can
Load data infile – Select into outfile
Working with MySql?testjem123 There is an easy way to get data in or out using CSV files. Getting the data from your MySql table into a CSV
CodeIgniter – MessageMedia Integration
MessageMedia is a company that helps delivering text messages (SMS) over the internet using front-end applications in connection with an